Top 5 Best Villains in Anime I Watched in 2014

Top 5 Best Villains in Anime I Watched in 2014 - How is everybody going? in this best anime villain list, i want to share and views some Top 5 Best Villains in Anime I Watched in 2014, anime that have a lot of villains which very unique and different than others this list was my personal list so don't attack me...okey here we go.

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Top 5 Best Villains in Anime I Watched in 2014

Top 5 Best Villains in Anime I Watched in 2014

Warning: The following list may contain spoilers. If you wish not to know some events in the story, or simply don't wish to find out what happens in the series, please leave the page, since I don't want to damage a watching experience for you.

Also, keep in mind that the pictures I use in special posts are chosen at random. The Dazzlings would be on this list, but I can't count cartoon villains. They may be shocked with who is on my list though.

This is also a list of villains in show that I've watched, and is not a list of the best villains in anime ever.

With that said, let's go on to my top 5 villains of this year:

Last time, I showed you all the top 5 worst villains in my watching of anime in 2014. Ranging from a feminine spirit to a thunder "god", that list had a lot of diversity.

What about the other side of the spectrum? What villains did I find good in this year?

Well, it's now time to find out who my top 5 villains are from the anime I watched this year. These villains not only had unique personalities, but they also have some unique powers. They even have there own interesting plans.

Let's get this list started, shall we?:


Sojiro Kusaka from Bleach: The DiamondDust Rebellion.

Look, it's a anime only villain. This isn't the only one that is from just the show's anime adaptation on this list. But this is the one that does come packaged in a movie.

Kusaka and Toshiro were friends when they first met at the Soul Reaper Academy. They eventually became friends, and even developed the same powers, which actually had both of them controlling the sword Hyorinmaru. However, the Soul Society could only accept one of the potential shimigami, as they can't have two people possess the same sword. In order to do this, the Central 46 Chambers established a fight to the death. This resulted in Kusaka becoming desperate, admitting to Toshiro about his need for the sword. In the end, Toshiro wins, and Kusaka ends up dying.

Before the events of the movie. Kusaka was revived by the Ouin, an artifact that plays a big role in the central plot of the movie. After a delivery in which the Ouin transports from the Soul Society goes haywire, Toshiro recognizes the person who is seen in the fire, which is revealed to be Kusaka. After getting wounded, Toshiro leaves his post and goes off to find Kusaka, as he is now alive.

This causes the Soul Society to suspect Toshiro of treason. I think it relates to the Arrancar arc a bit, since we pretty much all know what happened wish Aizen. I'm not familiar with all of it, but it has something to do with betrayal. They later on decide if anyone captain or shimigami in the Soul Society can find him, he will be executed on the spot. This is after two attacks with the power of Hyorinmaru, in which Toshiro fends off Izuru and Shuuhei and refusing to come back to the Soul Society until further notice, and Kusaka attacking the 8th division captain around the same time at Soul Society.

Kusaka's main goal to to take revenge on the Soul Society for his death, and that he should be the true wielder of Hyorinmaru. He is joined by Yin and Yan, two Arrancar twins who have the powers of lightning and fire respectively. And Yin's name is never mentioned in the film, much like Aria in Rainbow Rocks. Isn't that funny?

Overall, I really liked Kusaka and his drive to be known as the true wielder of the ice sword. i found him a very interesting character, and I'm happy that a main villain in a movie can actually do jack s**t. Because Fairy Tail: The Phoenix Priestess has a horrendous main villain, who was a prince who pretty much did nothing. The only problem with him is that the movie doesn't really develop how he was revived with the Ouin. The Ouin can manipulate time and space and pretty much all mater, but how was he revived with it? The movie doesn't really explain that, nor did it really convey why the Ouin was super powerful.

With that aside though, he still has some strong qualities to him. But he isn't as strong as the other four on this list.


Kurumi Tokisaki from Date A Live.

Out of all the spirits in Date A Live, Kurumi is easily one of the most diverse out of the bunch. If you think she'll be a typical yandere, you'd be dead wrong. Kurumi is a very strong character, and has a few tricks up her sleeve.

Sorry, MLP pun.

Kurumi first appears in Episode 7 as a transfer student to Shido's school. Her right eye is red, while her left eye is yellow. This is because there is a clock imprint in her left eye. The clock tracks down the remaining time she has left in that body, as she can make numerous clones. This is very helpful due to the fact that she is constantly killed by Mana (worst side character of 2014), as she can replace herself at will by re-setting time. 

She is known to kill people at will, but has also killed multiple people due to the fact that they were harassing her when she wanted to be alone, or when a group of guys were harming a kitten. The main reason in which she transfers to Shido's school is specially to eat his soul, thinking that it will taste so delicious.

Kurumi had a lasting impact on me, and is the most powerful spirit in the show. She is very bad-ass, and has immense abilities, such as her clones and resetting time. Her stand-off with Shido (which later includes Origami, Mana, and Touka) in Episode 9 is so intense that it draws you into the screen and never lets go. That is, until Kotori arrives.

The only problem is that she is also the spirit with the least development. She only appears for 4 episodes before disappearing. She does return in season 2, but since the first 4 episodes were a wreck, I'm not stepping back into that land.


Hiroto Minaka from Sekirei.

I haven't really talked a lot about Sekirei. Besides the fact the first episode of the second season was hideous. Beyond that, Sekirei is actually a pretty decent fanservice show with good comedy, great characters, and a plot that actually goes somewhere. And shock and surprise, we had a good villain here.

Minaka is the head of MBI, He was one of the discovers of Sekirei along with Takami Sahashi, MBI's head re-searcher. He is the creator of the Sekirei Plan, which is like the Hunger Games (without the death), but if several humans had different powers. The game revolves Sekirei, which range from busty women to cute bishonen, that have the ability to fight using supernatural powers or with the elements. They must be under control by an Ashikabi, a human that has special powers that can bind an Sekirei to them. Through-out the game, the Sekirei have to battle each other, and whoever loses is prolifically eliminated, and can't stay with his or her Ashikabi. The winner of the game gets to grant his/her Ashikabi, and gets to stay with them forever. The Sekirei Plan is divided into four stages, in which so far as of Season 1, two have been activated.

I really liked Minaka, as it's normally a surprise to see fanservice villains portrayed so well. Normally, all of them are generic asshats, or women molesters. Minaka's different though. He's a genius strategist who invented a twisted game, and it plays a big impact on the series. Though he's a bit too energetic, and kind of psychotic, he isn't hard to get behind. Though I hope that more of his back-story is explained, as the manga has revealed some tantalizing facts.


Raynare/Yuma Amano from Highschool DXD.

And yet another fanservice villain who was surprisingly good. I would have never lived to see the day.

Despite Highschool DXD using fanservice as its main selling point, which includes our resident 12 year old Asia, the first arc was very entertaining, mainly due to Raynare, who sets the events of the story in motion.

The fallen angel Raynare first appears to Issei as the human girl Yuma, and asks Issei out on a date. In actuallity, she was supposed to spy on Issei, to sense if his magic ability was growing. sensing that it had, Raynare kills Issei after the date with a spear of light, and then erases all traces of her existence of Earth. Once Asia arrives in town with her Twilight Healing Scared Gear, Raynare pays attention to it, and take her captive. She then later preforms a ritual in which she sucks out the Sacred Gear, and gives it to herself for her own gain. 

After Issei flees and after Asia's death, Raynare re-appears to taunt Issei about stuff, including on how she found the date with Issei boring. After fighting her with his deus ex- ahem, Red Dragon Gear, and having successful power boosts, Raynare is defeated. But she proves she won't go done without a fight, She turns back into her human form, and tries to temp Issei not to kill her, showing him the gift he got for her on that date not so long ago. Issei isn't able to kill her, and asks Rias to do the honors with his back turned. Thus ending the life of the fallen angel, and getting back Asia's Sacred Gear from her.

Raynare was surprisingly quite interesting, and a far cry from the fan-service norm, much like Minaka. She's quite mischievous, and actually isn't always the sultry seductress at her first appearance, she does have a temper. I also liked her drive for power, and her goal to become more powerful.

Honorable mentions include:

Baishin from Bleach: The Sealed Sword Frenzy

Guoming Chen from Jormungand

The organization Kafka from Karneval.

The members of the Noah's Ark Circus from Black Butler.

Karasuba from Sekirei.


Asha and Angela from the first season of Black Butler.

And we are again with our next set of anime only villains. It's funny how these were created by the writers, and still had more personality than the cardboard cutout that was Laxus.


Moving on, Ash and Angela are actually the same person, as it is a hermaphrodite angel. Angela is introduced as a maid in Episode 7 of Lord Henry Barrymore, who happen s to treat her horribly. Meanwhile, Ash is introduced later down the line at the curry contestant as a butler to the queen.

Both of them have different personalities. While Angela has a sweet exterior, she is actually more of a dominatrix, and wants Sebastian to join her for taking over the world. Yeah, it's a bit cliche, but she's not a stereotype, so I can ignore that.

Ash on the other hand, is a bit different. He is shown to be quite mature, however he is actually linked to the organization that killed Ciel's parents, and breaks into insanity later in the series. Ash is also incredibly obsessed with purifying souls he thinks are "unclean." Sebastian does wonder if Ash is a fallen angel during the final battle of the season, perhaps due to his insanity.

In the final battle, Ash eventually takes the lead, until Sebastian turns into his true form. Then, we don't get to see the glorious spectacle that is Sebastian's demon form, but a nice orchestral piece plays while Ash gets slaughtered.

I really liked Ash and Angelea, as they were surprising for anime-only villains. I liked how they each had some different qualities to their personalities, and I found it quite interesting when it was found out that they were the same person. They both believe that they're actually the good guys in this scenario, and that they will actually win in the end, due to the fact that they are two personalities of a angel.

To be honest, both of them are interesting, and you probably don't really have any clue that they're bad just by first appearance. This has mainly to do with Angelea, who seems innocent, but actually is anything but that.

And also, who noticed that they both were in service to someone as a butler and maid respectively?

And that's it for my top 5 villains in anime for this year. What do you guys think? Do you agree with anyone on my list? Dissagree? What were your favorite villains this year?

finally this list end Top 5 Best Villains in Anime I Watched in 2014

best anime villain list Top 5 Best Villains in Anime I Watched in 2014, if you have someone in anime that interesting and unique please add some in the comment.

thank you for coming Top 5 Best Villains in Anime I Watched in 2014 some of the links may broken Semoga artikel ini bisa bermanfaat.

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