He's NOT The Scrappy?

He's NOT The Scrappy? - How is everybody going? in this best anime villain list, i want to share and views some He's NOT The Scrappy?, anime that have a lot of villains which very unique and different than others this list was my personal list so don't attack me...okey here we go.

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He's NOT The Scrappy?

Take THAT, world famous Scrappy!

We all have those characters whom we hate, dislike, can't stand, find it hard to tolerate, or just plain do not care about whatsoever, even though we're asked to. This character is called The Scrappy. It's a subjective trope on the TV Tropes wiki because it's meant to name characters who are reviled by the majority of the works' fanbase, but not universally. Not every single person can hate a certain Scrappy, nor do they have to. One person's Scrappy can be another's Ensemble Darkhorse, Woobie, or even favorite character. It's a phenomena that makes the realm of fiction that much better when it comes to having opinions. My opinion? First I've got to post the definition as defined by TV Tropes:

Popular characters have fandoms. But sometimes, there is a character who has a hatedom. We'll
call this guy The Scrappy, or more formally the Fan Unfavorite. While much usually depends on the execution, certain kinds of characters have a much higher probability of being hated. In addition,
if the writers begin relying too heavily on an already-present character with some potentially annoying quirks (like The Unintelligible or the Non-Human Sidekick), the viewers may begin to find him/her very annoying indeed. Sometimes even a very popular character is at risk of becoming a Scrappy when he or she wears out his or her welcome by being overexposed.

Occasionally, a character intended as a Butt Monkey will backfire and become a Scrappy, too.
This usually happens when a writer attempts to make his mishaps even funnier by making him an unlikeable person to whom it's very satisfying to see horrible things befall. A great idea, but sometimes it backfires when the Butt Monkey becomes so annoying that whatever happens to him in the story, audiences are haunted by the feeling that it will never be enough. An especial risk when the Butt Monkey gags are prolonged, after which even a character who's not inherently unlikeable can stop being funny and become a Damsel Scrappy. It also comes full-circle in a way; note also that many Scrappies can easily become Butt Monkeys when touched upon in fan discussions and literary parodies. In any given Hate Fic, and even in the occasional straight-upFanfic, the author may very likely go a step further than making The Scrappy into the Butt Monkey, killing him or her off (often brutally), or giving a "hero" Scrappy a Face Heel Turn so he becomes the villain; after which he again will likely be killed off. Strangely, at the other end of the spectrum lies another common scrappy, the Author Avatar. Unlike a Butt Monkey, they lack any sort of shame on principle; instead serving as the voice of reason, or whatever contrived argument the writer thinks is reason. If bad things happen to this character, it will be to prove that everyone else is allegedly stupider. Not all Scrappies are doomed to their status. If the writers notice what's happening, they may change the character in order to make sure they are no longer hated, give them a tragic death scene, simply send them away, or at the very least show that the other characters are as annoyed by them as the fans are. If the character is a Jerkass Straight Man, Butt Monkey, or Chew Toy, though, don't expect anything to change; these characters are meant to be dislikable on purpose, as it's part of the charm.

On the other hand, if the writers take a shine to The Scrappy and add some elements of Mary Sue,     or otherwise put more focus on them over more popular/liked characters, this will add gasoline to the flames - they've just turned The Scrappy into the dreaded Creator's Pet. Expect anti-websites (and, more recently, dozens of Orkut communities); message threads that degenerate into flamefests; and a hard fast descent into loonydom. Of course, writers may also make a Scrappy intentionally in order to spoof the concept. A Temporary Scrappy exists to get on the viewers' nerves and then get thrown out at the end of the episode. Whenever fanfiction (especially Shipping) is involved, The Scrappy will very likely die for the writer's chosen pairing. Even if they aren't technically involved in the Ship. They'll also become the frequent subject of Ron the Death Eater treatment. In rare instances where the Scrappy has a unexpected Dying Moment of Awesome, it's Alas, Poor Scrappy (very subjective).

This trope is named after Scrappy-Doo from the Scooby Doo cartoon. The hatred of Scrappy was so prevalent that the 2002 Scooby Doo movie (which is not considered Canon with respect to any other Scooby Doo series) had Scrappy unceremoniously thrown out of the Mystery Inc. van. Interestingly, as noted below, Scrappy-Doo was actually quite popular at the time of his introduction with his intended Target Audience, and the hatred towards him is a more recent phenomenon.

This is a very Subjective Tropes, more based on the fandom than the character itself. The visceral response to The Scrappy can baffle other fans who don't take the character as seriously, or even sympathize with him or her. Often it's subjected to Double Standards particularly against female characters, somehow negative traits are often seen as less forgivable in a female character than
a male character. Please only post examples of the fandom hating a character; posting Personal Scrappies could get messy, especially if the Scrappy is in at the center of a Fandom Rivalry.

With that said, I'll now go through familiar fiction and name my personal Scrappies among the casts.
*- indicates Scrappies to whom I have leniency on. Italicized names indicate the extreme Scrappies I loathe with every fiber of my being.

Disney Animated: Snow White, the Coachman, Prince Charming, Michael Darling, Aunt Sarah,      the 3 Fairies*, Aurora & Phillip*, Wart, Edgar, the Aristocats, Penny, Madame Medusa & Snoops,    the Swamp Folk, Taran, Gurgi, Prince Achmed, Pocahontas, John Smith*, Meeko, the Gargoyles*,    Chi Fu*, Aladar, Neera, Zini, Rourke, B.E.N, Koda*, Almeda Slim, Bud Cluck, Runt, Louis, and Gene

Disney Live: Cutler Beckett, Blackbeard, Philip Swift, Trout Walker, Will Stormhold, Depp Tonto, etc.

Pixar: Princess Atta, Molt, Mike Wezowski*, Chick Hicks, the Fat Humans, Mater*, and the Triplets

Winnie The Pooh: Kanga, Lumpy, and Darby*

Lord Of The Rings: Denethor, Film Faramir*, Elrond*, Azog, and Tauriel*

Star Wars: Jar Jar Binks, Nute Gunroy, Mace Windu, Anakin Skywalker*, Wookies*, and the Ewoks

Kingdom Hearts: Roxas, Riku*, Peter Pan, Hercules, Setzer, Cloud, Tifa, Sephiroth, Xion*, Lea, Xigbar*, Lexaeus*, Zexion*, Neku, Shiki, Beat, Rhyme, JoshuaYoung Xehanort, and Post-KH2 Sora

Harry Potter: Draco Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle, Percy Weasley, Cornelius Fudge, Dolores Umbridge, Bellatrix Lestrange, Fenrir Grayback, Pansy Parkinson, Rita Skeeter, Sirius Black*, and the Dursleys

Chronicles Of Narnia: The Callermenes, Polly, and Shift the ape

Pokemon: Lyra*, Emerald, Solidad, Paul, Cameron, Ash*, Ash's Pikachu*, Dawn*, Kenny, Tobias, AG/DP Brock, AG/DP TR, Butch & Cassidy*, Clair*, Tata and Liza, Roark, Marlon*, Michael, Jovi, Koya*, Misty's Togepi, May's Squirtle, Dawn's Piplup*, Iris' Axew*, Lucario* and ugly Pokemon
New Pokemon: AshSerena, Clemont*, Bonnie*, XY TR, DA! Alexa*, Diantha, and Team Flare*

Avatar: Ganjin/Zhang, Jet, Toph's parents, Mako, Bolin, Tahno, Pema, Yakone, Gommu, and Unalaq

Batman: Jason Todd, Black Mask, Roland Daggett, Chief Rojas, Killer Croc, and Jerkass Batman

DragonBall: Chiaotzu, Yajirobe*, Baba, Master Shen, Chi-Chi (Z), Nappa, Android 19, Spopovitch, Babidi*, Super Buu, Kibito, Goten*, Kid Trunks*, Garlic Jr*, Broly*, Pan*, Giru, Super 17, MajUub

The Legend Of Zelda: Navi*, Tatl, Tingle, Ralph*, and Demise

Super Mario: Yoshi*, Waluigi*, Princess Peach*, Bowser Jr*., and Baby Mario Characters

Spider-Man: Anna Watson, Aunt May*Betty Brant*, Kraven the Hunter, the Lizard, Morbius, Smythe, Landon, Silvermane, Hydro Man, the Jackal, Judas Traveler, Jason Macendale, Venom*, Carnage, Harry Osborn*, Norman Osborn*, Young Vulture, Ezekiel, Morlun, and Carly Cooper

Yu-Gi-Oh!: Gozaburo Kaiba, Seto Kaiba*, Mokuba Kaiba*, Noah Kaiba, Weevil Underwood*,
Rex Raptor*, Duke Devlin*, Arkana, Dartz*, Vivian Wong*, the Von Schroeder Bros.*,

Yu-Gi-Oh! Spinoffs: Jaden Yuki, Zane Truesdale, Chumley Huffington, Yubel, Tyranno Hasselberry, Jesse Anderson, Darkness Shroud, Yusei, Crow, Akiza*Sayer, and the entire Zexal cast sans Vector

Digimon: 01 Kari*, Machinedramon*, 02 TK*, BlackWarGreymon*, Azulongmon, MaloMyotismon, Ryo, Suzi, Zhuqiaomon, Takuya, Koji, Tommy*, Zoe*, Bokomon and Neemon*, the Royal Knights, Kurata*, Yggdrasil, Marcus Damon*, Keenan Crier*, ChuChumon, Betsumon, and (ESPECIALLYTagiru

Gargoyles: The Magus*, Margot Yale, Jackal and Hyena, John Castaway and the Quarrymen (TGC)

Superman: Superman (sometimes), Supergirl (sometimes), Lois Lane (Silver age), Perry White,and Doomsday
Smallville: Clark Kent, Lana Lang, Jason Teague, Cat Grant, Oliver Queen, and Doomsady again

Final Fantasy: Firion*, Umaro, Cait Sith*, Heidegger and Scarlett, Genesis*, Angeal, Dr. Hollander, Shelke and the Svetts, Seifer*, Amarant, Freya*, Sir Fratley, Biran and Yenke, Maester Mica, Vaan*, Princess Ashe*, Fran*, the Viera, Larza, Lightning*Snow, Hope, Vanille/Fang*, Serrah, and Shinryu

Sonic The Hedgehog: Shadow the Hedgehog, Big the Cat, Dulcy the Dragon, Princess Sally Acorn, Princess Elise, Mammoth Mogul, Monkey Khan, the Iron Dominion, and other loathsome supporters

Where Is Carmen Sandiego?: Lee Jordan

Neon Genesis Evangelion: Gendo Ikari, Naoko Akagi, and Keel Lorenz

Darkwing Duck: Launchpad McQuack, Amonia Pine, the Muddlefoots, Steggmut, and Quackworks

Duck Tales: Webby, Gyro Gearloose, Bubba, Fenton Crackshell, and Djon the Thief

Gummi Bears: Cubby Gummi and Sunny Gummi

Tale Spin: Wild Cat, the Thembrians, and Dan Dawson

Yu Yu Hakusho: Mr. Akashi and Mr. Iwamoto, Gonzou Tarukane, Elder Toguro, and Itsuki

Teen Titans: Beast Boy*, Soto, Johnny Rancid, Val Yor, Mother May-Eye, Mento, and Gizmo*

Death Note: Demegawa, Raye Pembar*, Matsuda*, Mello*, Near*, Matt, and Kiyomi Takada*

The Powerpuff Girls: The Mayor (late seasons)

The Slayers: The 'TRY' villains and Pakota

Jim Henson: Elmo, Zoe, and the Gorgs*

El Hazard: Princess Fatora (Spin-offs)

South Park: Randy Marsh, Butters' Parents, Jimmy, Ms. Brovloski, Mrs. Garrison, and the Mayor

One Piece: Don Krieg, Nico Robin, Franky, Admiral Akainu, and the World Government

Sailor Moon: Chibi Usa*, Haruka*, Michiru*, Witches 5*, Seiya and the Sailor Starlights

Bleach: Ichigo, Orihime*, Byakuya, Kenpachi, Mayuri*, Nnoitra, Szayel, Yammy, Sosuke Aizen*, etc.

Naruto: Naruto*, Sakura*, Sasuke, Shikamaru*, Hinata*, Neji, Karin*, Pain, Tobi*, Itachi*, and Madara

Code Geass: Ohgi, Villeta, Nina, Anya, Rolo, Xing, Gino, Luciano, V.V., R2 Suzaku*, and Charles

Bakugan: The entire cast except Alice

Black Lagoon: Chaka of Washihime

Frutis Basket: Hiro Sohma and Ren Sohma

Full Metal Alchemist: Shou Tucker, Dante, and Eckhart

Future Diary: Yukiteru Amano, Takao Hiyama, and Dues

Fushigi Yuugi: Miaka*, Tamahome*, Miboshi, Nakago, and Mayo

Higurashi: Nomura, Teppei Houjo, Onibaba, and Orphanage Leader

Rurouni Kenshin: Kaoru (anime), Aoshi*, Raijuta, Yahiko*, and Yutaro*

Rave Master: Griff, Ruby*, Ogre, Hardner, and the Big Butt Bandits

Shinzo: The Kittens, Hakuba, Binka*, and the Cadreans

Tenchi Muyo: Tenchi Masaki*, Sasami, and Mihihoshi

Beyblade: Tyson, Kai, Kenny, Boris, Voltiare, and Daichi*

DNAngel: Daisuke Niwa, Dark Mousey*, and Mr. Hiwatari

Eureka 7: Renton, Eureka*, Holland*, the Kids, the Ageha Squad*, Gekkosate, and Truth

Gurren Lagann: Rossieu, the Four Beast Generals, The Anti Spiral*, and the minor cast

Gundam: Argo*, Heero Yuy, Chang Wufei, Kira, Shinn Asuka, Gilbert Durandal, Lunamaria, Meyrin, Lord Djibril, Setsuna, Princess Marina, Ribbons Almark, Andrei, Uso, Shakti, and Decil Galette

Inu-Yasha: Naraku*, Shippo*, Koga, Kikyo*, Kohaku, Jakotsu, and Myoga

Elfen Lied: Yuka, Mayu's parents, Tomoo, Nousou, and the Unknown Man

Hellsing: Enrico Maxwell, Zorin Blitz, Herr Doktor, Young Walter, and Incognito

Ranman 1/2: Ranma, Genma, Kasumi, Kodachi, Happosai, and Pantyhose Taro

Scry-Ed: Kazuma, Ryouho, Mimori, Kigetsuki, and Kyoji Mujo

Tokyo Mew Mew:  Berry motherf**king Sue from "A la Mode"

Zatch Bell: Pappulio, Kolulu, Hulk!Grisor, Bari, and Naomi

Toradora: Taiga (Mid-Season 1), Ryuji (Season 2), Minori (Season 2), Sumire, and Taiga's Dad

Vision of Escaflowne: Merle*, Movie!Hitomi, Movie!Dilandau, Movie!Folken, and Manga!Hitomi

Hannibal Series: Freddy Lounds, Dr. Chilton, Buffalo Bill, Mason Verger, and Young Hannibal

The Hunger Games: Gale, Primrose*, the Career Tributes, the Capitol, and District 13

Game of Thrones: Joffrey Baratheon, Sir Gregor Clegane, Ramsay Snow, Hodor, Catelyn Stark, Robb Stark, Rickon Stark, Talisa Maegyr, Daario, Dark Star, Lyanna Mormont, and TV!Sand Snakes

Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Joyce, Kendra, Xander (Season 4+), Willow (Season 4+), Principal Snyder, Riley, Adam, Dawn, Tara*Warren, Andrew, Kennedy, Robin Wood, Spike (Season 6+), and the First

Once Upon A Time: Henry*, David Nolan, Snow/Mary Margaret*, Neal*, Hansel, Sidney Glass*, Bossy, the Blue Fairy*, Anita, Baron Frankenstein, Queen Eva, Johanna, Robin Hood*, Prince Eric, Greg and Tamara, Zelena*, Walsh, Belle*, Will Scarlet, and Regina Mills* (Season 4 and onwards)

Star Trek: Wesley Crusher and Dr. Polawski

Twilight: Bella Swan, Edward Cullen, Renesmee, etc.

Metroid: Adam and "Other M" Samus

Banjo Kazooie: Mr. Vile and Canary Mary

Dark Chronicle: Pau, Elena, and Dark Element

Dragon Quest VIII: Rhapthorne, Marcello, and Prince Charmles

Metal Gear: Raiden*, Solidus Snake, the Patriots, and Col. Volgin*

Star Fox: Slippy Toad*, Krystal (pre-Star Wolf), and Pigma Dengar

Tales Of Legendia: Senel*, the Terrors, Gadoria Knight, Stella, Zamaran, Thyra, Solon, and Shwartz

Tales Of The Abyss:  Grand Maestro Mohs, Luke*, Guy*, Anise*, Ion, and Gelda

The World Ends With You: Neku

X-Men: Waaaaaaaaay too many! 

Care Bears: Babies Hugs and Tugs

Code Lyoko: Ulrich Stern, Hiroshi, and Laura Gauthier

Adventure Time: The Fanfic Cast, LSP*, Magic Man*Fat Lemongrab, Lemonhope, and Braco.

American Dragon: Jake Long*, Fu Dog, Spud, Trixie, Haley, Jake's Dad, Sun Park, and Brad Mort

Danny Phantom: Danny*, Sam, Tucker, Danielle, Jack*, Maddie, Dash, Freak Show*, and the GIW

Ben 10: Cooper, UAF Ben/Gwen/Kevin, Verdonna, Ultimate Aggregor, Argit, Rook, and various idiots

Ed, Edd, and Eddy: Eddy*, Sarah, Jimmy, Kevin*, the Kanker Sisters*, and Eddy's Brother

Codename Kids Next Door: Lizzy Divine, Tommy Gilligan*, and Numbuh 363

Jackie Chan Adventures: Jade*, Uncle*, Drago and his rapping henchmen

Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius: Jimmy Neutron*, Cindy Vortex*, Ms. Fowl, and Hugh Neutron

Buzz Lightyear Of Star Command: Torque, XL, King Nova, Ozma Furbanna, and Plasma Boy

Kim Possible: Kim*, Ron*, Rufus*, Dr. Possible, the Tweebs, Josh Mankey, and Bonnie Rockweiler

Phineas And Ferb: Laura Flynn-Fletcher, Grampa Flynn, and Irving

Courage The Cowardly Dog: Eustace

Grim Adventures of:: Billy and Mandy*

Thundercats: Lion-O, Tygra, and Grune

Rugrats: Susie Carmichael, Baby Dil, and Baby Kimi

Sym-Biotic Titan: Lance, Barron, and General Modula

Scooby Doo: Scrappy Doo (duh!), Flim Flam, and Dr. Phibes

Spongebob Squarepants: The entire cast from Season 5-onwards!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Burne, Vernon, Carter, Venus De Milo, Cody Jones, '12 Donatello, '12 Michelangelo, the Krang, Dr. Chapman, Mozar and the Triceretons, Tengu Shredder, and Timothy

Total Drama: Chris, Owen, Duncan, Katie and Sadie, LeShawna, Sierra, Cody, Blainely, and Ezekiel

Transformers: Optimus Prime (sometimes), Sam Witwicky and his parents, Leo, Agent Simmons*, Skids and Mudflap, Carly Spencer, the Fallen, Dylan Gould, and many others

The Winx Club: Bloom, Sky, Lord Darkar, the Wizards of the Black Circle, etc.

W.I.T.C.H: Taranee, Comics!Irma, TV!Cornelia, TV!Elyon, and Blunk

Xiaolin Showdown: Dojo, Hannibal Roy Bean, and Monkey Jack

Family Guy: The entire cast from Season 4/5-onwards! (Except for Mayor West)

Web Original: Donnie Dupree, Rachael & Malcolm, 90's Kid, Spoony, Lindsay Ellis*, Doug Walker*, Linkara*, Phoelus*, E-Rod*, the Rowdy Reviewer*, Yahtzee, the Irate Gamer, and Amazing Atheist

Various Others: ???

finally this list end He's NOT The Scrappy?

best anime villain list He's NOT The Scrappy?, if you have someone in anime that interesting and unique please add some in the comment.

thank you for coming He's NOT The Scrappy? some of the links may broken http://a-nimenew.blogspot.com/2014/01/he-not-scrappy.html Semoga artikel ini bisa bermanfaat.

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