He's NOT a Complete Monster?

He's NOT a Complete Monster? - How is everybody going? in this best anime villain list, i want to share and views some He's NOT a Complete Monster? , anime that have a lot of villains which very unique and different than others this list was my personal list so don't attack me...okey here we go.

anime : He's NOT a Complete Monster?
villain : He's NOT a Complete Monster?

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He's NOT a Complete Monster?

Hey kids, pure evil exists! Enjoy the game!

IMPORTANT UPDATE: While my feeling is still that this trope isn't as perfectly defined and handled as it could be on TV Tropes and that obviously many definite examples aren't there when they should be, the wiki has seemed to have finally cleaned up the trope significantly and gotten a better grasp on how to handle it, it's defining criteria for passing, it's examples, and it's process for determining what passes or fails to go up on the trope. What you'll read here are my initial thoughts on the matter:

Recently, TV Tropes.org has dug itself further into website decay and has jumped the shark beyond repair until that tyrant jackass Fast Eddie gets ousted. Ghetsis Harmonia, perhaps the most well known Complete Monster in the "Pokemon" franchise, was removed as an example on the series' Complete Monster page, removed as one from the games' YMMV page, and removed all sinkholes linking to the trope in relation to him. Why? Because the strict, stuffy, nitpicky nimrods of the site management on the trope cleanup thread deemed Ghetsis to be not a Complete Monster after all: just a standard evil Jerkass villain. And why is this? Because his most monstrous actions, that are either heavily implied or admitted to by the man himself, happened off-screen. TV Tropes adopted
a strict "No offstage villainy!" policy for this trope, saying that we have to SEE the monster cross the Moral Event Horizon by committing an epically heinous action that fills everyone with fear, hatred, and disgust. Never mind that we see the results of Ghetsis' off-screen actions coming to fruition, meaning that he's the reason for every deplorable action that N and Team Plasma took, and thus all the bad shit that goes on in the game, and we DO catch him in the act of being ready and willing to dispose of his adopted child now that he deemed him worthless, hear him verbally abuse said child for failing to live up to what he raised him to be, hear him go on about how he cares for nothing but himself, wishes to enslave us all after manipulating hearts and minds, and takes sadistic glee in breaking people because he loves to see them lose all their hopes and dreams in despair, and then in the sequel we see him torturing a Pokemon to make into comply with icing an entire continent and terrorizing the region, these acts endangering many lives, and oh yeah...he freaking tries to kill you, the player character, a Kid Hero, with the Pokemon he's torturing, in a very gruesome way! Cruelly, without hesitation or remorse. And when his own adopted child whom he treated horribly actually tries to offer him a second chance even after all he's done, he shuts him down with an insulting tirade that would be profane had the game not been rated E. Yeah, clearly Ghetsis is not an out of the ordinary villain: he's just a vile Jerkass, but not a Monster. So thus he gets a free pass out of the trope, and the most widely agreed upon example in the series will now never be known as one on the wiki again.

I swear, not only does the reasoning behind Ghetsis' removal as an example make no sense, but it's downright hypocritical seeing that Hunter J is still (rightfully) on the Trope for almost exactly the same qualifications as Ghetsis: being heartless, cruel to both humans and pokemon, and trying to flat-out murder the Kid Hero (that last one being stressed!). I get the sense the site management just doesn't believe the main Pokemon games should have a Complete Monster. They made the right call with eliminating Cyrus, but GHETSIS?  And while the wiki drones may fear and hate any form of true subjectivity on this wiki and think that deciding Ghetsis isn't a Complete Monster on one thread, removing him as an example, and then locking the page so that no one can add him back will decide everything and make him "officially, factually" not a Complete Monster, they're fooling themselves. Because he's been THE Complete Monster of the series for over two and a half years now, and fans are not going to stop thinking of him as such. It's one of the few things that a majority of the fandom can agree on. And not just biased N fans, too: everyone can plainly see that Ghetsis is the devil of this franchise. Some have even argued this correct point to the TV Tropes management, but got shut down because of course, the new tropers want to continue their endless crusade to make the site a stuffy, formal, boring professional wiki and a shadow of the unique, FUN wiki site it started out as.

And in it's current state, Complete Monster has officially become the worst trope ever. The trope came into existence alongside Moral Event Horizon as a replacement for the old, abused  "Rape
The Dog" trope. The problem used to be that Complete Monster's definition was unclear. It seemed
as if it was a Bad Writing trope solely for villains who were so thoroughly despicable that audiences couldn't even enjoy or stomach, thus taking them out of the work they were investing themselves in. Which was very limiting and stupid. Then it's standards were dropped too low, so that made it easy for foolish, simple minded tropers to cite any old villain who did nasty things and/or crossed the Moral Event Horizon as an example of one, even if he/she was not. And NOW, the standards have gone too far the other way: they're too high! Now the Monster HAS to commit his villainy on-screen and said villainy has to be on the level of mass mind rape, mass genocide, and mass corpse raping. And the core problem with all of these has not been removed: it's still all about what the villain DOES rather than about who he/she IS. Which makes the existence of Moral Event Horizon pointless, since that's supposed to be the trope for that. Complete Monster should be about the type of villain who would cross the Moral Event Horizon and then keep right on going. Villains who are pure evil to an alarming, revolting, and detestable degree, are played as being such in the work itself, inspire fear and hate in other characters, have next to no positive qualities to speak of, show no trace of shame and remorse for their crimes, and are beyond all hope of redemption. And most importantly, they commit terrible actions BECAUSE they're Monsters, NOT the other way around! The importance should be placed   on who and what the villain is on the inside, not just the vile stuff they do. And characters like Ghetsis are most definitely inhumane monsters on the inside, which is what inspires feelings of discomfort and hate that leads to people considering them to be Complete Monsters.

If anything, what is currently up on TV Tropes understates the Trope too much. Really, it's good,
but still not the best. The proper definition is this:  Complete Monster is the most depraved of all characters; a villain utterly lacking in redeeming features. Trying to put a value on the evilness of
a Complete Monster is like calculating the credit score of Bill Gates: it's a moot point. Or, anyway,
that is how the character is presented in the story. The character is a bad guy, full stop. The author has not taken the character through any actions toward redemption, or at least any that stuck.

The Complete Monster can be recognized by these signs:
  • The character is truly heinous by the standards of the story, which makes no attempt to present the character in any positive way. The character's terribleness is played seriously, even if the work is light and/or comedic. Other characters in-story must express fear, hate, and revulsion of this character. (The Heinous Standard criteria.)
  • The character has either no Freudian Excuse to validate their crimes, or their Freudian Excuse is presented in-story as inadequate. Any sympathy evoked in their backstories is long gone in the present time. (The Freudian Excuse criteria.)
  • They are completely devoid of altruistic qualities, show no regret for their crimes, are never redeemed or have any possibility of redemption (The Redemption criteria.)
  • Offscreen Villainy is advised against. (With few exceptions depending on result clarity.)
The All The Tropes Wiki adds: Please note that a character crossing the Moral Event Horizon
does not alone make them a Complete Monster. This trope isn't just about what the character does, but about what the character is. Their monstrous characters are reflected in their heinous deeds, which is what puts them a cut above regular villains. And whatever their position, a Complete Monster has to go the full mile and meet all criteria: they're the worst they can possibly be in their given role. (Thank you, All The Tropes.org! You are the true TV Tropes reborn!)

To sum it all up: the Complete Monster is pure evil. "Complete" and "pure" being keywords here. This is the most evil character(s) in the work. He/she is vile to a revolting and horrific degree. He/she is unrepentantly evil, beyond any hope of redemption. It should be unimaginable that this villain find redemption, nor should he/she ever seek it. He/she is utterly self-serving and has no decency or regard for others, not giving a fuck about anything else if they don't suit their ends. He/she commits atrocities more heinous than the actions of most other villains because of just how rotten to the core the villain is. He/she has no notable altruistic or redeeming qualities to speak of, and no valid, adequate excuse for his/her actions and behaviour. And the villain must be treated seriously by
the work's narrative and it's characters even if the work is light or comedic. If in the latter case, the monster may provide laughs, but NOT be Played For Laughs. He/she is still 100% reprehensible.

The rest of this entry shall be me going through fiction and picking out villains who are absolutely, definitively Complete Monsters. Because I cannot rely on TV Tropes itself to define that anymore.
* - Indicates which of the monsters listed are actually only borderline (99%) monsters, who don't meet all criteria but are still quite heinous. 

Disney Animated: The Evil Queen, Stromboli and the Coachman, The Horned King, Bill Sykes, Percival C. Mcleach, Scar, Judge Claude Frollo, Shan Yu, Rourke, King Candy/Turbo, and Dr XXX

Disney Live: Judge Doom, Cutler Beckett, Blackbeard, Andrei Stasser, Princess Mombi, Nizam,
Mr. Dark, Injun Joe, Vice Principal Stern, Trout Walker, Butch Cavendish, Frakes, and Victor Krane

Pixar: Hopper, Syndrome*, and Lotso Huggin' Bear

Lord Of The Rings: Morgoth, Sauron, Glaurung*, and Lheu Brenin

Star Wars: Sheev Palpatine, Wilhuff Tarkin, Orson Krennic, Pong Krell, Keeper Agruss, Dr. Vindi,
Dr. Evazan*, Count Vidian, Armitage Hux*, and Supreme Leader Snoke*
EU: Darth Bane, Darth Zannah, Darth Nihilus, Emperor Vitiate, Lord Odion, Cronal, Durge, Omini, Borborygmous Gog, etc.

Kingdom Hearts: Xehanort, Vanitas*, Scar, and Judge Claude Frollo

Chronicles Of Narnia: Jadis, Miraz (Book Version), and Shift the Ape*

Harry Potter: Lord Voldemort, Dolores Umbridge, Bellatrix Lestrange, and Fenrir Grayback

Pokemon: Ghetsis, Darkrai (MD), Purple Eyes, Evice/Ein/Nascour, Hunter J, Vicious, Grings Kodai, Alva, Dr. Yung*, Cyrus (anime)*, Marcus (manga)*, Io, Sird*, Charon (DPA), and Queen Bellelba (Pokestar)*

Avatar: The Last Airbender/Legend Of Korra: Fire Lord Ozai, Yakone*, and Unalaq/Unavaatu

Batman: The Joker, Black Mask, Mr. Zsasz, James Gordon Jr., Deacon Blackfire, Professor Pyg*, Mayor Cobblepot, E1 Riddler, the Wanderer, Maro Ito, Tony Zucco, Ferris Boyle, the Sewer King,
Boss Biggis*, Arkady Duvall, Derek Powers/Blight, Lincoln March/Owlman, and "Crazy Steve"*

DragonBall: Tao Pi Pi*, Freeza, Cell, Babidi, Evil Buu, Zamasu, Demigra, Towa*, Cooler, and Broly*

The Legend Of Zelda: Ganon*, Zant, Majora*, Veran & Onox*, Ghirahim, and Yuga

Super Mario: The Shadow Queen, Grubba, Dimentio, Terromisu*, and King Boo (DM)

Spider-Man: Norman Osborn/the Green Goblin, Kletus/Carnage, Herbert Landon, the Thousand,
Noir Doc Ock, 2099 Vulture, 2099 Venom, SD!Mysterio, the Crime Master, and the Gentleman*

Yu-Gi-Oh!: Gozaburo Kaiba*, Ishtar Sr.*, Yami Marik, Dartz, Zorc Necrophedes/Yami Bakura, Heishin, Gishiki Noelia, DD, King Brron, Tragoedia, Divine/Sayer, Lawton, and Jean Michel Roger

Digimon: Myotismon, Machinedramon, Piedmon, the D-Reaper, IceDevimon, Lucemon, Dr. Kurata,
MetalPhantomon, Tactimon, Gravimon, Whispered*, DarkBagramon, Quartzmon, and Milleniummon

Gargoyles: Thailog, Hakon*, Jackal & Hyena*, the Archmage*, Proteus, and Dr. Anton Sevarius

Superman: Lex Luthor (sometimes), Brainiac, General Zod 2, Mongul, Reactron, Berton, and Darkseid

Final Fantasy: The Emperor, Dr. Lugae, Zemus, Ex-Death*, Kefka, JENOVA/Sephiroth, Professor Hojo,
President Shinra, Beolve, Folmarv, Gerrith Barington, Judge Bergan, Barthndelus, Gala, and Shinryu

Sonic The Hedgehog: Dr. Ivo Robotnik*, Dr. Finitevus, Dark Enerjak, General Kage Von Stryker, Hunter, Black Doom, Mephiles, Ix, Erazor Djinn, Dr. Zachary, Megatox, Chaos, and the Evil One

Neon Genesis Evangelion: Keel Lorenz

Where Is Carmen Sandiego?: Lee Jordan

Teen Titans: Slade* and Trigon the Terrible

The Powerpuff Girls: Him* (sort of) and Dick Hardly

Darkwing Duck: Negaduck* (sort of) and Taurus Bulba

Death Note: Higuchi, Rod Ross, and Kira!Light Yagami*

Slayers: Copy Rezo, Hellmaster Phibrizzo, and Joyrock

Cowboy Bebop: Vicious

Tenchi Muyo: Kagato*

El Hazard: Lord Galus*

One Piece: Captain Kuro, Saw-Tooth Arlong*, Sir Crocodile*, Eneru*, Spandam, Shiliew, Kaido, Jack, Hody Jones, Caesar Clown, Admiral Akainu, Donquixote Doflamingo and the Celestial Dragons

Yu Yu Hakusho: Gouki*, Gonzou Tarukane, Sakyo, Elder Toguro, Dr. Ichigaki, and "Kazuya" Sensui*

Sailor Moon: Queen Metallia, Wiseman/Death Phantom, Rubeus* (anime), Professor Tomoe (manga),
Pharaoh 90 (manga), Queen Nehelania (manga), and Chaos*

Studio Ghibli: Muska and Cob

Blade Of The Immortal: Shira

Baki The Grappler: Yujiro Hanma

Black Lagoon: Chaka of Washimine

Baccano: Fermet, Szilard, and Goose*

Code Geass: Luciano Bradley and V.V.

Bakugan: King Zenoheld and Emperor Barodius

Bokurano: Masaru Kodaka and Morihiro Hatagai

Berserk: Griffith/Femto, Wyald, Emperor Ganishka, and the Beast of Darkness*

Speed Grapher: Chief Ekoda, Mizunokuchi, Ran Yurigaoka, and Prime Minister Kamiya

Naruto: Orochimaru*, Hidan, Haido, Kazuma, Shiranami, Tobi!Obito, Madara Uchiha*, and Momoshiki

Bleach: Grand Fisher, Shrieker, Metastacia, Numb Chandelier, Szayel, Mayuri*, Aizen, and Yhwach

Dance In The Vampire Bund: Rozenmann, Ivanoic, Li, Gabe, Radovan Elichenko, and Friar Bolton

Fist Of The North Star: Jagi, Jackal, Jakoh, Joker, Amiba, Ulghur, Emperor Souther, and Mooks*

FullMetal Alchemist: Shou Tucker, Dr. Goldtooth, Zolf Kimbley (anime), Barry the Chopper (anime),
Mugear, Security Chief Atlas, Basque Grand (anime), Envy (anime), Pride (anime), Dante, and Father*

Elfen Lied: The Unknown Man, Chief Kakuzawa*, Mayu's Stepfather, Tomoo*, Nousou*, and "Lucy"*

Inu-Yasha: Naraku, Tokajin, Taigokumaru, Mukotsu (manga), Gatenmaru, and the Spider-Head Leader

Pretty Cure: Akudakahn, Gohyaan, Moebius, Joker, Bottom, Kawarino, and the Director of Eternal

Legend Of Galactic Heroes: Prince Braunschweig, Rudolf Von Goldenbaum, and Job Truniht*

Jojo's Bizaarre Adventure: Dio Brando, Cioccolata, J. Geil, D'arby, Diavolo, and Angelo

Sword Art Online: Oberon, Red Xaxa, Johnny Black, Gabriel Miller, and P.O

Devilman: Amon, Candy, Jinmen, Lan Asuka, Satoru, and the Slum King

Fate Stay Night/Zero: Caster, Ryuunosuke Uryuu, and Zouken Matou

Magi Labyrinth Of Magic: Jamil, Arba/Ren Gyouken, and King David

Rave Master: Ogre, Slate, and Shakuma Raregroove

Rurouni Kenshin: Jin-E Udo, Kanryu Takeda, and Gein

Tokyo Ghoul: Rize Kamishiro and Big Madam

Shinzo: Dark Lord Lanancuras

Trigun: Legato Bluesummers

Mon Colle Knights: Redda

Moon Phase: Count Kinkel

Mnemosyne: Apos and Sayara

Ninja Scroll: Gemma and Tesssai

Pure Trance: Director Yamazaki

Hajime No Ippou: Bryan Hawke

Gakuen Alice: Principal Kuonji

Gankutsuou: Andrea Cavalcanti

Gurren Lagann: The Anti Spiral*

Gundam: Ghiren Zabi, Glemmy Toto*, Colonel Killing, Muruta Azrael, Lord Djibril, Fonse Kagatie, Yazan Gable, Bask Om, Rakan Dahkaran, Gym Ghingham, Ken Tsubarov, Nomoa Long, Dr Berg, Carozzo "Iron Mask" Ronah, Seidal Rasso, Ali Al Sachez, Ribbons Almark, and Decil Galette

Attack On Titan: Sgt. Major Gross

I's: The Marionette King

Dururara!!: Izumi Ran

Black Cat: The Doctor

Blood+: Amshel Goldsmith

Bubblegum Crisis: J. Largo

Claymore: Roxanne Lovehate

Cutey Honey: Jewel Princess

Cyber Six: Dr. Von Reichter

Defense Devil: Elimona

Eureka 7: Dewey Novak

Kill la Kill: Ragyo Kiryuin

Freezing: Louis LBridgette*

Fruits Basket: Ren Sohma

Future Diary: Mr. Funatsu

Full Metal Panic: Gauron and Mr. Gates

Go-Lion: Emperor Daibazaal and Prince Sincline

Guilty Crown: Shuichiro Keido and Segai Walz Makoto

Akame Ga Kill: Prime Minister Honest, Syura, and Champ

Black Butler: Lord Trancy, Baron Kelvin, and the Doctor

Date A Live: Sir Isaac Ray Westcott and Minerva Liddell

Fairy Tail: Jose, Zancrow, Jackal, Acnologia, and Slavers

Fushigi Yuugi: Nakago*, Miboshi, Tenkou*, and Emperor

Hellsing: The Major, Zorin Blitz, Herr Doktor, and Burglar*

Higurashi: Nomura, Teppei Houjo, and Orphanage Leader

Katekyo Hitman Reborn: Byakuran and Daemon Spade*

Legend Of The Blue Waters: Captain Continental

My Bride Is A Mermaid: Lord Yoshiuo

High School Of The Dead: Mr. Shidou

Last Exile: Maestro Delphine Eraclea

Macross Frontier: Dr. Grace O'Connor

Mai_me: Nagi, Tomoe, and Sergey

Monster: Johan Freaking Leibert

Monster Rancher: Evil Moo

Outlaw Star: Lord Hazanko

Princess Resurrection: Severin

Ronin Warriors: Emperor Talpa

Record Of Lodoss War: Wagnard

Revolutionary Girl Utena: Akio Ohtori

Rosario To Vampire: Gyokuro Shuzen

Rose Of Versailles: Jeanne and the Duke

Magic Knight Rayearth: Lady Debonair

The Sacred Seven: Dr. Kenmi

School Days: Taisuke Sanaga*

St Seiya: Cancer Deathmask*

Samurai Champloo: Mukuro

Soul Eater: Medusa Gorgon
Soul Eater Not: Shaula Gorgon

20th Century Boys: Friend(s)

Tokyo Mew Mew: Deep Blue

Wolfen Crest: Haguro Dou

Wolfsmund: Lord Wolfram

Yami No Matsuei: Dr. Muraki

Umineko: Bernkastel and Black Battler

Zatch Bell: Zofis, Clear Note*, Eshroth*, Dr. Hakase*, and Roberto Vile

Hannibal Series: "The Red Dragon"*, Buffalo Bill, and Mason Verger

Goosebumps: Slappy the Dummy, Mr. Toggle, Karl Knave, Ahmed, Shadow-Dan, and the Menace

Discworld: Carcer, Captain Swing, Johnny Teatime, Vorbis, Duchess, and Wolfgang Von Uberwald

The Dresden Files: Heinrich Kemmler, Nicodemus Archelone, Lord Raith, Capiorcus, and Kukulcan

Star Trek: Redjac, Melakon, Gorgon, Lore, Kivas Fajo, Jev, Gul Dukat, Dolim, the Borg Queen, etc.

Power Rangers: Dark Specter, Darkonda, Deviot, Queen Bansheera, Dr. Viktor Adler/Master Org, Mesogog, Octomus the Master, Flurious, Venjix, Master Xandread, Serrator, Vrak, and Ivan Ooze*

Game Of Thrones: Joffrey Baratheon, Ser Gregor Clegane, Ramsay Bolton, Euron Greyjoy, Craster, Lord Vargo Hoat, Rorge, Aerys Targaryen, Maegor Targaryen, Walder Frey*, Karl Tanner, and Other*

Stephen King: IT, Jim Rennie, Randall Flagg, Sunlight Gardner*, Morgan of Orris, Percy Wetmoore*, Wild Bill, Jack Mort, Warden Norton, Norman, Leland Gaunt, Atropos, the Overlook, and SK Bullies

Shakespeare: Iago, Richard III, and Aaron the Moor*

Once Upon A Time: King Xavier*, Jafar, and Peter Pan

The Haunted Mansion: Atticus Thorne and the Phantom

The Hunger Games: President Snow and President Coin*

Buffyverse: Angelus, Zach Kralik, Adam, Caleb, Darin, Marcus, Ryan, and Billy Blim

Ace Attorney: Manfred Von Karma, Redd White, Matt Engarde, and Dahlia Hawethorne
Sequel Games: Kristoph Gaven, Quercus Alba, Bansai Ichiyanagi, and the Phantom/Bobby Fullbright

Alice Madness Returns: Dr. Bumby / The Dollmaker

Blaz Blue: Yuuki Terumi/Hazama and Relius Clover

Breath Of Fire: Yuna, Rasso, and Habaruku

Dark Chronicle: Dark Element and Flotsam

The Legend Of Dragoon: Melbu Frahnmah

Dangan Ronpa: Junko Enoshima* / Monokuma

Higanbana: Yoshihito Kanamori and Nafumi Shintani

Fire Emblem: Lang, Gharnef, Queen Hilda, Bishop Manfloy, Lundgrn, Ephidel, Sonia Reed,
Valter, Riev, Izuka, Lekain, King Ashnard, Validar, Hans, Iago, and Fomomortis

Assassin's Creed: Majd Addin, Rodrigio Borgia, Marco Barbarigo, Warren Vidie, Pierre de Fayet, Maxwell Roth, Reginald Birch, and Tomas de Torquemada

Batman Arkham: The Joker, the Penguin, the Scarecrow, Ferris Boyle, Zsasz, and Hugo Strange*

Dragon Quest: Aamon, Ladja, Mortamor, Blackmar, Orgodemir, Rhapthorne, and King Godwyn

Dead Rising: Brock Mason, Jo Slade, Tyrone King, Marian Mallon, Albert Contiello, and Hemlock

Grand Theft Auto: Donald Love, Ned Burner, Sgt. Martinez, Dimitri, Ray Bulgarin, and Billy Gray

Mega Man: Dr. Weil, Ra Moon, Dragoon, Regal, Shademan, Slur, Sirrius, Gemini, Joker, and King

RuneScape: Sigmund, King Lathas Ardignas, Lord Iowerth, Amascut, Bandos, Sliske, and Drakan

Jak And Daxter: Baron Praxis, Metal Kor, and Count Veger

Kirby Series: Marx, Necrodeus, and The Dark Nightmare

Metal Gear: Colonel Volgin, Wiseman, and Sundowner

Ratchet & Clank: Chairmen Drek and Dr. Nefarious

Star Fox: Andross, Pigma Dengar, and General Scales

Call Of Duty: Al-Asad, Vladimir Makarov, and Dragovich

Mass Effect: Henry Lawson and Dr. Saleon

Max Payne: Nicole Horne and Victor Branco

Resident Evil: Albert Wesker and Alexia Ashford

BioShock: Sander Cohen and Frank Fontaine

InFamous: Bertrand and Brooke Augustine

Nintendo Wars: Caulder and Grayfield

Skies Of Arcardia: Admiral Galcian*

The Legacy Of Kain: The Elder God

Five Nights At Freddy's: Will Afton

Metroid: Ridley and Dark Samus

Tomb Raider: Eckhart

Castlevania: Actrise

Cave Story: The Doctor

Devil May Cry: Arkham

Gears Of War: Queen Myrrah

God Of War: Ares* (originally)

.Hack: Sakaki

Halo: Ord Casto

Kid Icarus: Hades*

Jade Empire: Sun Li

Lunar: Lord Zophar

Manhunt: Lionel

Myst IV: Sirrus

Prototype: Alex Mercer

RosenkreuzStillete: Iris

Silent Hill: Dalia Gillespie

Sly Cooper: Clockwerk/La

Spyro The Dragon: Malefor

Street Fighter: M. Bison*

System Shock:  SHODAN

Suokiden: Neclord and Luca Blight

Tales Of Destiny: Barbatos Goetia

Tales Of Legendia: Vaclav and Solon

Tales Of the Abyss: Grand Maestro Mohs

Thief: High Priest Karras and Gamall

Xenogears/blade: Miang and Zanza

Xenosaga: Voyager and Dmitri Yuriev

Valkyria Chronicles: Baldren Gassenarl

The World Ends With You: Mitsuki Konishi*

Warcraft: Gul'dan, Dr. Theolen Krastinov, and Deathwing

X-Men: The Shadow King, Sabretooth, Riptide, Scalphunter, Blockbuster, Malice, Graydon Creed, William Stryker, Mr. Sinister, Apocalypse, Cassandra Nova, Zander Rice, Fabian Cortez, Proteus, Omega Red, Donald Pierce, Vulcan, Craig, Adrienne Frost, Selene, Romulus, Cyber, Jonston Coffin, Sebastian Shaw, Ultimate Magneto, Ultimate Deadpool, Ultimate John Wraith, and various others*

DC: The Anti-Monitor, Alexander Luthor, Vandal Savage, Mister Mind, Lord Aratsu, Reverse Flash, Gorilla Grodd, Nekron, Krona, Dr. Light, Dr. Destiny, Dr. Psycho, Dr. Poison, Genocide, Felix Faust, Lono, Harm, Prometheus, Malefic, Blanx, Tao, Anton Arcane, Ragdoll, Junior, Superboy Prime, etc.

Marvel: Red Skull, Obadiah Stane, Purple Man, Senora, Annihilus, Bullseye, Dormammu, Mephisto,
Red King, Maestro, Malekith, Cobweb, Redstone, Hybrid, Ultron, Baron Von Strucker, Thanos*, etc.

2000 AD: Judge Death, Kazan, Sabbat, President Booth, Lord Karkossa, Tomas de Torquemada, etc.

Image: Billy Kincaid, Mammon, and Violator

Scott Pilgrim vs The World: Gideon Graves

Sin City: Kevin and Roark Jr.

BIONICLE: Makuta Teridax

AT4W/TGWTG: Mechakara

Astro Boy: President Stone

Adventure Time: The Lich

American Dragon: The Huntsman and the Dark Dragon

The Boondocks: Ed Wuncler Sr.s and Lamilton T'shawn

Captain Planet: Verminous Skumm, Fuhrer, and Zarm

Class Of The Titans: Cronus

Danny Phantom: Dark Danny

Gravity Falls: Bill Cipher

Green Latern: Atrocitus

Hot Wheels BF5: Krytus

Jonny Quest: Elise Lenior

My Little Pony: Lord Tirek

Oban Star Racers: Canaletto

Rainbow Brite: Dark Princess

Reboot: Megabyte*(post-Gigabyte)

Skeleton Warriors: Baron Dark

Tron Uprising: General Tesler and Pavel

He-Man (2012 comic): Skeletor and Hordak

Thundercats (2011): Grune and Mumm-Ra*

Winx Club: The Wizards Of The Black Circle

Huntik: Secrets And Seekers: The Betrayer

How To Train Your Dragon: Drago Bludvist

Antz: General Mandibile

Shrek: Rumpelstiltskin*

Kung Fu Panda: Tong Fo*

Monsters VS Aliens: Gallaxhar*

Cubix: Robots For Everyone: Kilobot

Pirates Of Dark Water: The Dark Dweller

Galaxy Rangers: The Queen Of The Crown

Eon Kid: The General, Dr. Chen, and Scar

Max Steel: Mr. Dread, Makino, Psycho, and Mortum

Mighty Max: Skullmaster, Spike, and Dr. MacDougal

Exo-Squad: Phaeton, General Draconis, and Dr. Ketzer

GI Joe: Cobra Commander (sometimes), Blitz Krieger, Chimera, Skullbuster, and Dr. Mindbender

Ben 10: Vilgax*, Kevin 11*, Z'skayr, Zombozo*, Aggregor, Diagon*, Malware*, and Maltruant

Generator Rex: Van Kleiss, Hunter Cain, Branden Moses, and Quarry

Courage the Cowardly Dog: Katz, Fusilli, and Mad Dog*

Codename Kids Next Door: Grandfather and Chester*

Extreme Ghostbusters: The Grundel and Piper

Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius: Meldar Prime*

Phineas And Ferb: The Smile-Away Sargent*

Ed, Edd, And Eddy: Eddy's Brother

Over The Garden Wall: The Beast

Sym-Biotic Titan: General Modula

Totally Spies: Helga Von Guggen

The Secret Saturdays: VV Argost

The Story Keepers: Nihilus and Nero*

The Venture Brothers: Dr. Impossible*

Scooby Doo: Jacques, Professor Pericles, and the Nibiru Entity

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Ch'rell/The Shredder, Lord Dregg, and Dr. Falco/The Rat King

Transformers: Megatron (sometimes), Galvatron, Unicron, Silas, Airachnid, Lockdown, Overlord, etc.

Non-Disney Animation: Jenner, Hexxus, Steele, Lord Barkis Bittern, Dag, Thrax, Red, Belladonna,
the Creeper, Black Wolf, Antonia Chillingsworth, Empress Sedessa, One-Eye, Archibald Snatcher,
the Bedlum, Blackwulf, Injurin' Joe, Bryagh, Nekron, Zygon, Erzebet Ondrushko, Xenoz, HIM, etc.

Literature: Bob Ewell, Grendel, Thenardier, Capricorn, Sir Mordred, Ms. Trunchbull, Kenny Kane, Dracula, Darken Rahl, Cal Roberts, Abdiel, Hel, Horrabin, Kronos, Mumtaz, Napoleon, Rasheed, etc.

Live TV: Davros & the Daleks, John Lumic, Rassilon, the Master, Madame Kovarian, Xanxia, Sutekh, John Harrison, Kevin Carrol, Gary Matheson, Nina Meyers, Ramone Salazar, Habib Marwan, Abu Mayed, Philip Bauer, Michael Cambias, Lord Drusella, Ulkesh, Brother Cavil, Helena Cain, Phelan, Howard Epps, the Gravedigger, Gormogon, Daniel Shaw, Philip Stroh, Roger Stimple,
John Smith, Gloria Hodge, Patrick Logan, Jordan Chase, Harry Morgan, Nolan Kinnard, Gaohm, Andrew Jenkins, The Man In Black, Baron Bloody, Red John, Vernon Schillinger, Timmy Kirk, William Cudney, OZ, Alastair Crane, Helen Cutter, Sherrif of Nottingham, Nubis, Wayne Callison,
Jim Moriarty, Armadillo Quintero, Dr Foster, Desaad, Livia Soprano, Richie Aprile, Eben, Repli-Cater, Dick Roman, Gunther Lutze, Leo Johnson, Mercer Hayes, Walter Sykes, Heisenberg!Walter White*, Salamanca Twins, Jack Welker, Marlo Stanfield, Lilith, Emil Dornvald, BOB, the CSM, the 456, etc.

Film: Scorpio Killer, Amon Goeth, John Doe, Captain Vidal, Harry Powell, Max Cady, Howard Payne, Frank Booth, Mr. Blonde, Colonel Tavington, Anton Chigurh, Noah Cross, John Ryder, Sunny Jim, Dick Jones and Clarence Boddicker, Michael Myers, Freddy Krueger, Ghostface, Alex, Mr. Potter, Patrick Bateman, Henry Evans, Rhoda Penmark, Sarris, Nurse Ratched, Harry Roat, Commodus, Molaram, Judge Turpin and Beadle Bamford, Christian Szell, Alejandro Sosa and Hector the Toad, Harry Lime, Norman Stansfield, Koba, Ronan, Azazel, most Demons, Gangsters, and Nazis, etc.

There are actually a lot more examples in all media, but I don't need to list them all. For any other villains I missed, it's worth remembering to run them through the Complete Monster criteria test.
And if more than one criteria isn't met, then the villain is not this trope. But these guys that I have listed here I feel most definitely are, so now here's a tribute to some of fictions' greatest monsters:

finally this list end He's NOT a Complete Monster?

best anime villain list He's NOT a Complete Monster? , if you have someone in anime that interesting and unique please add some in the comment.

thank you for coming He's NOT a Complete Monster? some of the links may broken http://a-nimenew.blogspot.com/2012/10/he-not-complete-monster.html Semoga artikel ini bisa bermanfaat.

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